Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani $45 Per Share
Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani in India & Pakistan
Prices are guaranteed until Friday, June 15th 2024 New livestock will have a surcharge of $30 per cow and $7 per share
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***No Zelle No Venmo No Cashapp
All qurbani / udhiya is done in India in a legal and lawful manner. All meat is distributed in to poor Muslims in remote parts of India & Pakistan. The entire program is ran under the direct supervision of scholars, imams, shuyukhs and Fahad personally. All animals are well taken care of with dedicated staff and high quality feed. Price includes cost of animal, labor cost, transportation, feed, gratuities, service charges, and fees. Please contact us if you have any questions. Qurbani USA is a Texas based comapny. Our office is in Flower Mound Texas 75022
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Qurbani, or Udhiyah as it known in Arabic, is the word that describes the sacrifice of an animal to Allah (swt) during the period of Eid ul Adha.
On Eid Ul Adha, which marks the completion of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, the Muslim world celebrates and honours the tradition of the Prophet Ibrahim (Alahi Salaam) by sacrificing an animal and distributing the meat to those in need.
Please check our facebook page for feedback and review from community leaders. www.facebook.com/qurbaniusa
Mufti Hussain Kamani, Qalam Institute
Sheikh Mubeen Kamani, Frisco TX
Qari Noman Hussain, Qalam Institute
Mufti Asif Pochi, Miftah Institute
Hafiz Tahir Dawood (MSI Imam)
Halima Kamani (Chicago Hijama)
Br. Siraj Muhammad (Heroic Hearts)
Br. Fahim Arif (Pious Projects)
After consulting with many major scholars from various different school of thoughts we came to conclusion that calling the names at the time of Qurbani is not a requirement. A person should make niyyah of the names of the people for whom the Qurbani is being done for. You can also write names in the Notes and that will suffice. Due to the logistics of the process we do not call out names during Qurbani. Please consult with your local imam or scholar on further clarification.
Imagine travelling a total of 30 hours by foot, train, car and even canoe to cross river and unpaved lands to finally arrive at the destination: remote villages populated by Muslims in need. Your Qurbani meat made this journey and reached over 300 villages and was distributed to more than 2,500 families. Alhamdulillah, it feels great knowing that on Eid day so many of you brought joy to the hearts of your brothers and sisters abroad.
Eid Ul Adha 2022, we will mostly be doing qurbani of Buffalo and Bulls to adhere to local laws and respect the safety of community. There are many states in India where slaughter of buffalo and bulls are allowed. All Qurbani are done in lawful manner in cooperation with law enforcement and community leaders. We perform Qurbani in hard to reach and remote villages of India that are predominantly Muslim populated. In past years, we have done qurbani in West Bengal, Andhra Pardesh, Bihar, Asaam, Utter Pardesh etc
Alhamdulillah, we are pleased to inform you that we have successfully purchased most of our livestock, including Bulls and Buffaloes, from Raebareli, Illa Abad, Siddharthnagar, Bhagalpur, and SultanGanj. The animals have safely reached their respective villages in those areas. Additionally, our team will be traveling to West Bengal and Ganga Sagar this week to make additional purchases of Bulls, which will be distributed to Muslim-populated villages in those regions. Rest assured that every aspect of Qurbani is directly supervised by my family members and qualified scholars.
Insha’allah this year we will be offering Qurbani for the first time in Pakistan. Qurbani will be done under direct supervision of Fahad Ahmed. We are very selective on making sure that we pick the best animal for Qurbani and meat is distributed to many deserving families.
Our extensive staff in India travel to each location to hand pick livestock that are suitable for qurbani and transport to remote villages. We bring the service to you and charge a service fee for the effort that goes in to bringing this service to you with convenience and confidence. Qurbani USA is NOT a nonprofit organization and we do not accept donations or charity of any sort. This is a for fee service.
Orders and payments can be made online with a debit or credit card. This is the only mode of payment available at this time. Please do NOT send Zelle.
We will send email and text alert once Qurbani is completed. If you have opted out of updates then you will not receive any update.
Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JuXPrzVdKid3yKve3bXXQb
We have been doing Qurbani in remote villages and hard to reach areas of India for at least 7 years. We buy directly from cattle farmers and we buy in large quantity. Rather than charging full market value cost, we pass the discounted price to our customers. Prices in remote areas of India are far cheaper than what we are used to paying in cities. We do qurbani of full adult animal that is eligible for qurbani, not calf. All qurbani is supervised by our team of scholars. We have already purchased our livestock for 2024 and continue to acquire more. Take a look at the photo gallery section of our website.
We will start Qurbani on the first day of Eid in India, Pakistan, and the USA. On June 16th, after 6pm CST, Eid will have already begun in India and Pakistan since their first day of Eid is June 17th, and they are ahead of us in time zones. Your Qurbani is scheduled for June 16th, 2024, between 9pm – 11pm CST (US), Insha’Allah. Since most Qurbani is performed in remote villages, it may take a bit longer to confirm from all regions. We will provide an update on the completion by Fajr on June 17th.
Fro those that are celebrating Eid on June 17th, the Qurbani of your animal will take place after your Eid salaah on June 17th 9pm. We will send a form to indicate your preference on date of eid.
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About Us
Qurbani program is founded and operated by Fahad Ahmed who has been passionately offering Qurbani services for almost a decade. Fahad identified a need to offer Qurbani Udhiya services at an affordable cost for muslims living in North America. For the past 8 years we have been doing qurbani in remote villages of India with direct oversight of local scholars. All the meat is distributed to poor Muslims living in remote villages of India.
Fahad Ahmed grew up in Chicago, IL and now resides in Valley Ranch – Irving, Texas (Dallas) with his family. Fahad has previous experience working with Microsoft and Google for 18 years before resigning from corporate life and focusing on pursuing personal goals.

Imam & Instructor Read More
I'm generally a fan of being directly involved in any religious obligation instead of outsourcing it. But due to current circumstances it may not feasible to do the Udhiyya ourselves. If you are looking for someone to help with the sacrifice, I recommend looking into the great work Fahad Ahmed is doing. Check out the attached FB page for more details. You can contact him directly through the page as well.

Lombard, IL Read More
We have been using this service for many years and have no hesitation in HIGHLY recommending this team. They're honest, reliable, and efficient ! If you are looking for a qurbani service... this one is excellent!

Morton Grove, IL Read More
I've been using their services for the last few years. Br Fahad is very transparent with the entire process. It is quick and easy to give your Qurbani.

Imam MSI Read More
MashaAllah Fahad bhai has been offering a great Qurbani service for the past many years. He is honest and professional. For those searching for a reliable service to fulfill their Qurbani obligations I would recommend this organization. InshaAllah it will benefit deserving families in poor Indian villages. May Allah accept from all!

Youth Director Read More
Alhamdulillah this service is simple and worry less. Great communication and the meet goes to people who don't get meat for months. More bang for your buck!! recommend this to all my friends and community members. Please share with anyone that hasn't done their qurbani yet.
Quran & Hadith
“So pray to your Lord and make your sacrifice to Him alone” [108.2]
There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Udhiya than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart. (Sunan Tirmidhi and Sunan Ibn Majah)
Zayd ibn Arqam relates that the Companions asked, 'O Messenger of Allah! What is Udhiya?' He replied, 'It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (peace be upon him).' They asked again, 'What benefit do we get from it?' He answered, 'A reward for every hair (of the sacrificed animal).' 'And [what reward is there for animals with] wool, O Messenger of Allah?' they asked. 'A reward', he said, 'for every fiber of the wool.' (Sunan Ibn Majah) qurbani eid al adha
Business Hours
Open Daily: 9:00am – 9:00pm